Il Ministero dell’Aeronautica venne istituito il 30 agosto 1925 dal Governo Mussolini. L’aspetto di questo edificio è stato pensato per esaltare le caratteristiche di modernità, d’efficienza, di progresso, d’eroismo e dinamicità dell’allora giovane Arma Aeronautica. Quello che mi ha colpito è il contrasto tra i 3 elementi che sono riuscito a catturare nella foto. Tra le fronde verdi e rigogliose di due alberi e alcuni ruderi romani, sbuca il palazzone quasi monolitico, dalle linee dure e “ostili” con i suoi eccessi di travertino. Sul suo tetto campeggia l’aquila, simbolo di potere di superiorità (elemento presente in molti edifici eretti in quell’epoca). |
The Airforce Ministry was established August 30, 1925 by the Mussolini government. The appearance of this building is designed to enhance the features of modernity, efficiency, progress, heroism and resilience of the then young Air Force Weapon.
What struck me was the contrast between the tree elements that I was able to capture in this photo. Among the lush green foliage of two trees and some Roman ruins, a tower-block overlook almost monolithic, his lines are hard and ‘hostile’ with an excesses of travertine. On the roof stands the eagle, symbol of superior power (element found in many buildings erected at that time). But looking at that eagle I feel almost sorry. It seems petrified, imprisoned by the aircraft wings, consumed by the desire to land on one of the trees so close, but eternally unattainables … |
That's a valid observation that you've made. Welcome to City Daily Photo; it'd be great to see photos from a city as rich in history and culture as Rome.
Greetings from Mumbai.
– Mindless Mumbai