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Night Shot Monday – 03

Eccoci al terzoNight Shot Moonday.

La foto l’ho scattata in una traversa di Via del Corso, in direzione Fontana di Trevi.

Here we are at the third Night Shot Moonday.

I shot the photo in a side street of Via del Corso, going to the Trevi Fountain.

Night Shot Monday – 03

Ti piacciono gli scatti notturni? Allora partecipa al Monday Night Shot con la tua foto. Leggi il regolamento. Do you like the night shots? Then participate in the Monday Night Shot with your photo. Read the rules.

3 commenti su “Night Shot Monday – 03”

  1. Francesco – I just bought a new tripod this afternoon and ran out to take some NIGHT SHOT photos for Monday! I'll be ready then….
    Warm regards from EAGAN daily photo in cold, snowy Minnesota

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