Senatus Populusque Romanus, (il Senato e il Popolo Romano).
Il Senato e il popolo erano le figure che rappresentavano il potere della Repubblica nella Roma antica. La scritta SPQR è talmente diffusa in città che è possibile trovarla ovunque: nei reperti archeologici, sui tombini, alle fermate degli autobus, sui portoni di nobili dimore… Ieri Roma ha compiuto 2764 anni! P.S. Vi aspetto ogni lunedì per il Monday night Shot |
Senatus Populusque Romanus, (the Senate and Roman people).
The Senate and the people were the figures representing the power of the Republic in ancient Rome. The writing SPQR is so widespread in the city that you can find it everywhere: in archaeological finds, on manhole covers, at bus stops, on gates of noble mansions… Yesterday in Rome made 2764 years! P.S. See you every monday for the Monday night Shot! |
Rome, one of my favorite cities. have walked the inner walls for hours. (am married to an Italian – Born Genoa 1926 – raised in Frascoti.)
Hi Ginger.
Wow, an American married to an Italian who now live in Brazil!
May the Force be whit us. Always.
Beautiful!! Wow..great shot! Sarah
nice shot! what is the weather like in Italy?
I would love to visit Italy. Been there many times in my dreams. LOL Our son has been several times and has loads of photos. Thanks goodness for children who travel. Blessings