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Dizionari – Dictionaries

Inglese, tedesco, francese, sinonimi e contrari…

Se ne avete bisogno, c’è anche il dizionario di Latino!

P.S. Vi aspetto ogni lunedì per il Monday night Shot!

English, German, French, synonyms and antonyms …

If you need it, there is also the Latin dictionary!

P.S. See you every monday for the Monday night Shot!

4 commenti su “Dizionari – Dictionaries”

  1. Even if thought I can't read Italian, I'd walk into this bookstore just for the pleasure of browsing.


    A splash of red or a dash of blue—
    Which is the color that’s just for you?

    A hint of blue or a tint of red—
    Which of these colors goes to your head?

    Of all the colors under the sun,
    Red is simply my favorite one!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Ghostly Reds

  2. chubskulit

    Magical Mystical Teacher
    The Feltrinelli bookshops are among the biggest and most widespread in Italy.

    There are entire sections dedicated to foreign language books, even there are whole stores (Feltrinelli International) where they sell only foreign-language books.

    You can enter without fear…


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