Questo è uno dei 4 leoni che adornano l’obelisco Flaminio al centro di Piazza del Popolo
P.S. Vi aspetto ogni lunedì per il Monday night Shot! |
This is one of four lions that adorn the Flaminio obelisk at the center of Piazza del Popolo
P.S. See you every monday for the Monday night Shot! |
Thank you
Beautiful photo!
Late Visiting for WW, here's my Watery Wednesday. Drop by when you can, thanks!
Just clicked on follow your networked blog -I'm on there too, since I'm on FB as Jesh.
Like the Lion fountain!
I am especially impressed that you took this photo at night!
Mist on the ocean,
Mist on the sea,
Mist on the meadow,
Mist on the tree;
Dew on the grasses,
Dew on the rose,
Dew in the garden,
Dew on my clothes;
All of this wetness,
It’s plain to see,
Promises blessings
For you and me!
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Papaoneone Beach, Makaha, Hawaii
Really wonderful sepia!!
Thansk to all!
Magical Mystical Teacher
Well, it's no secret that I love the night shots…