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Mezza Luna – Half Moon

Mi ero ripromesso di non fare più foto alla Luna, almeno per un po’.

Fondamentalmente perchè le foto che avevo fatto fin’ora mi avevano dato già molta soddisfazione (vedi qui, qui, qui  e qui).

E invece lunedì, lei era li. Di fronte al balcone della cucina, irriverente. Mi scherniva, quasi mi sfidava. Mi tentava…

E come ha detto Oscar Wilde, l’unico modo per resistere alle tentazioni, è cedervi.

I had promised myself not to do more photos to the Moon, at least for a while.

Basically because I had already had a lot of satisfaction from the photos that I had done so far (take a look hereherehere and here).

And instead, she was there. In front of the balcony of the kitchen, irreverent. She scoffed at, challenged me. led me into temptation …

And as said Oscar Wilde, the only way to resist the temptations, is to give in.

Night Shot Monday – 33

Questa settimana è in corso il
 Monday Night Shot – 33
This week is under way on  Monday Night Shot – 33

Click here to see more Sky Watch photos.

12 commenti su “Mezza Luna – Half Moon”

  1. Superb capture as always, Franius! I always love the moon shots and never tire of them so I'm glad you didn't resist the temptation and surrendered to her!! Have a great weekend!


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