64° Night Shot Monday.
Dal Gianicolo si gode di uno dei migliori panorami possibili della città eterna.
Era solo una questione di tempo, quindi, prima che riuscissi ad andarci di notte con il mio fido cavalletto manfrotto appresso… L’edificio bianco al centro della foto è il Vittoriano, mentrealle sue spalle (alla destra della foto) c’è la chiesa dell’Ara Coeli. F-stop = f/8 – tempo di esposizione = 6 sec. – ISO = 200 |
64th Night Shot Monday.
From Gianicolo you can enjoy one of the best possible views of the eternal city. It was only a matter of time, then, before I could go there at night with my trusty Manfrotto tripod below… The white building at the center of the photo is the Vittoriano, while behind it (to the right of the photo) is the church of Ara Coeli. F-stop = f/8 – exposure time = 6 sec. – ISO = 200 |
Night Shot Monday – 64
Questa settimana è in corso il
Monday Night Shot – 64 |
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This week is under way on
Monday Night Shot – 64 |
This is a great night shot, I really like it. Congratulations! Have a nice week.
This is really wonderful – my eye went to the great man-on-horse statue.
Thank you!
Shot like this are possible only thanks to a tripod and a long exposure time (6 sec. in this case)…
Thank you Cathy!
here you can find a photo near the statue (just behind the shoulders of the rider).
Nice city lights!
Thanks for your visit Céline!
Almost certainly I'll be taking part in one of your challenge…