Ogni tanto mi viene nostalgia e vado a rovistare nella cartella delle vecchie foto fatte con la compatta Sony…
Stavolta è sbucata questa interessante Volkswagen Maggiolino, praticamente abbandonata ma ancora custodita all’interno di un giardino… |
Every time I get homesick and go to rummage in the folder of old photos taken with the compact Sony …
This time it’s popped up this interesting Volkswagen Beetle, practically abandoned but still jealously iguarded in a garden … |
Questa settimana è in corso il
Monday Night Shot – 64 |
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This week is under way on
Monday Night Shot – 64 |
Welcome back!
Fine shot. This old car seems almost cared-for still.
Thank you Dragonstar!
I've been very busy in the last times, but i'm hoping to participate regularly in the next weeks…
This beetle convertible is crying for attention. Good find.
You are absolutely right!