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Tranquillità – Tranquillity

Il Theme Day per Giugno dei City Daily Phot Blog è Tranquillity.

E cosa inspira più tranquillità di un gruppo di Fenicotteri Rosa in una giornata di sole al Bioparco?

The Theme Day for June of City Daily Photo Blogs is Tranquillity.

And what inspires more tranquillity of a bunch of pink flamingos on a sunny day at the Biopark?

12 commenti su “Tranquillità – Tranquillity”

  1. This is just magnificent – looks like an oil painting, especially with the ripples "disturbing" the reflections of the birds into zigzag patterns. This needs to be enlarged, framed, and hanging in your home somewhere!

  2. Thank you Cathy!

    The oil painting look is something that more or less unconsciously I wanted in postproduction with Lightroom.

    Glad you enjoyed it.

    As for the printing, why not?
    Maybe it would look good in the kitchen ….

  3. What a gorgeous, peaceful capture, Francesco! It does indeed look like a painting! I love the birds and such wonderful reflections! Superb composition! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


  4. Such beautiful shots…and the birds are so pretty. I have Lightroom, but have never been able to use it. I have stuck with PSE10. Pictures like these make me want to give it a try it again. genie

  5. Genie, LR has enormous potential.
    Don't think I know how to use more than 10% / 15%.

    But like everything in photography, it is only by trial and error that we accumulate up experience …

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