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Watery Wednesday – 12

Italian Flag
S per Superficie

S is for Surface
Ecco un’altra foto tirata fuori dal mio archivio, l’ho scattata quando ancora avevo la Panasonic FZ45.

Nonostante sia calma e rilassante, la superficie di quest’acqua è in realtà quella del fontanone del Gianicolo

Camera: DMC-FZ45
Obiettivo: 6.8 mm f/2.8 – 5.2 (distanza focale 55mm)
Esposizione: 1/1000 sec, f/8, ISO 400

Here is another picture pulled from my archives, I took it when I still had the Panasonic FZ45.

Although it is calm and relaxing, the surface of this water is actually that of the large fountain of the Janiculum

Camera: DMC-FZ45
Lens: 6.8 mm f/2.8 – 5.2 (focal length 55mm)
Exposure: 1/1000 sec, f/8, ISO 400a

Night Shot Monday

E’ in corso il / Is under way on
 Night Shot Monday – 91

Watery Wednesday
E’ in corso il /  Is under way on
 Watery Wednesday – 12 

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