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Buon Natale! – Merry Xmas!

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E’ parecchio tempo che non pubblico più foto.

Gli ultimi mesi sono stati molto frenetici e il tempo libero è scarseggiato…

Magari andrà meglio l’anno prossimo…

Ma per ora non pensiamoci e godiamoci le feste natalizie.

Auguri e buon anno a tutti!
Is a long time that I don’t publish more than one photo. The last few months have been very hectic and free time is in short supply …

Maybe things will get better next year. But for now it’s best not to think about it,

Let’s enjoy the festive season.

Best wishes and happy new year to all!

3 commenti su “Buon Natale! – Merry Xmas!”

  1. Great shot. Hope you had a good Christmas and happy New Year. If things don't calm down for you in the New Year, I would be happy to take over hosting Watery Wednesday for a few months.

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