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Si può vedere tutto… – You can see everything …

Italian Flag
…con le conchiglie!
Eh già, c’è chi legge il futuro nella mano, chi con le carte e chi… con le conchiglie!

Ecco in cosa potreste imbattervi passeggiando di sera a Trastevere.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Obiettivo:  18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (distanza focale 18mm)
Esposizione: 1/13 sec, f/3.5  ISO 640

…with the shells!
Yeah, there are those who read the future in hand, those with cards and those … with the shells!

Here’s what you may encounter strolling at night in Trastevere.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens:  18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (focal length 18mm)
Exposure: 1/13 sec, f/3.5  ISO 640

2 commenti su “Si può vedere tutto… – You can see everything …”

  1. I like this a lot. It's so well done. And it's mysterious without being frightening. One cannot help wonder about someone who would pay to have the future read by such a "seer."

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