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Carrozzella al Pantheon

Italian Flag
Gli anni passano, ma le “botticelle” restano.

P.S. il nome botticelle deriva dal fatto che in passato questi veicoli erano usati per trasportare botti.

Camera: Nikon D5100
Obiettivo:  18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (distanza focale 38mm)
Esposizione: 1/80 sec, f/8  ISO 200

The years pass, but the “boticelle” are still here .

P.S. the name “botticelle” (small barrels in english) comes from the fact that in the past these wheelchairs were used to transport barrels (botti in italian).

Camera: Nikon D5100
Lens:  18-105 mm f/3.5-5.6 (focal length 38mm)
Exposure: 1/80 sec, f/8  ISO 200

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