Questa è la prima foto che pubblico in bianco e nero. La foto originale (potete vederla qui) era a colori e poi è stata trasformata con Photoshop.
Negli anni Trenta, l’antico Ponte Milvio (da cui è stata scattata la foto) era diventato insufficente per il traffico in uscita della città lungo le vie consolari Cassia e Flaminia. Ponte Flaminio (che doveva inizialmente chiamarsi Ponte XXVIII Ottobre in memoria della marcia su Roma) venne progettato nel 1932 dall’architetto Armando Brasini su richiesta di Benito Mussolini. I lavori iniziarono nel 1939 ma vennero interrotti a cuasa dello scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale. Furono ripresi nel 1947 e conclusi nel 1951. |
This is the first picture of this blog in black and white. The original photo was in color (you ca see it here) and then was transformed by Photoshop. In the Thirties, the ancient Milvio Bridge (from which the picture was taken) became insufficient for the outbound traffic of the city along the consular roads Cassia and Flaminia. There was also need of a spectacular entrance to the capital city for traffic coming from the North. Ponte Flaminio (which should have been named “Bridge 27 October” in memory of the March on Rome) was designed in 1932 by the architect Armando Brasini on request of Benito Mussolini. Work began in 1939 but was interrupted by the outbreak of World War II. |
It's an imposing bridge, and you show it well. I'm grateful for the post in English – my Italian is almost non-existent! I wish you every success with this blog.
Fantastic bridge shot.
Beautiful photo. Amazing clear qauality.
Thanks to all!
The reflection is incredible. What about posting the colored together so we can appreciate the contrast.
Beautiful bridge and the B&W seems to emphasize the reflection.
hat certainly looks a spectacular entrance!
This bridge works well in B&W… the whiteness is such a good contrast against the gray. All my B&Ws are done in PS too. (I see you too started your blog recently; mine was launched on July 1.)
> The reflection is incredible. What about
> posting the colored together so we can
> appreciate the contrast.
Thank You, Ann.
I added the link to the original color photo
a classic. fabulous photo.
I love this in black and white because the bridge really stands out! Lovely photo 😀
I don't know which version I prefer!
Anyway, the bridge is beautiful:)
So beautiful – the mirror image in the water is stunning!
Both versions are lovely. Maybe, the B&W allows the bridge to shine a little more.
Bellissima photo! 🙂
Thanks for the info and it the photo looks good in black and white.
This bridge seems insanely white on your picture ! Nice shot, thanks for the sharing…
I like it in black and white.
Si, è meglio in bianco e nero ! Bellissima fotografia, con bella luce.